Temple/Belton/Waco (254)236-5442
Maidtopia Cleaning Services
Basic Make Ready
Basic Make Ready
Dust Window Sills & Window Ledges
Clean Ceiling Fans & Mini-Blinds
Dust Baseboards
Remove Cobwebs
Clean Light switches
Vacuum Carpeting/Sweep & Mop Floors
Remove Trash (up to 1 bags)
Clean & Disinfect Toilets, Tubs & Showers
Clean Sinks & Counters
Clean Mirrors & Polish Chrome
Sweep & Mop Floors
Dust mini-blinds
Dust baseboards
Clean & Sanitize Sinks
Polish Chrome
Wipe Down Counter tops & Cabinets
Clean exterior of Oven & Stove
Clean exterior of Refrigerator
Clean exterior Cabinets & Pantry
Clean Inside/Out of Microwave
Sweep & Mop Floors
Dust mini-blinds
Dust baseboards
Clean ceiling fan
Note: Our Basic Move In/Move Out Package does not include cleaning interior of appliances, cabinets and pantry.
Full Make Ready
Full Make Ready
All Rooms of Home:
Dust Window Sills & Window Ledges
Clean Ceiling Fans & Mini-Blinds
Dust Baseboards
Remove Cobwebs
Clean Light switches
Vacuum Carpeting/Sweep & Mop Floors
Remove Trash (up to 1 bags)
Clean & Disinfect Toilets, Tubs & Showers
Clean Sinks & Counters
Clean interior of the cabinet
Clean Mirrors & Polish Chrome
Sweep & Mop Floors
Dust mini-blinds
Dust Baseboards
Clean & Sanitize Sinks
Polish Chrome
Wipe Down counter tops & Cabinets
Cleaning interior of cabinet
Clean interior/exterior of Oven & Stove
Clean interior/exterior of Refrigerator
Clean interior/exterior Cabinets & Pantry
Clean Inside/Out of Microwave
Sweep & Mop Floors
Dust mini-blinds
Dust baseboards
Clean ceiling fan
Sweep the outside entry to the home
Note: Our Full Make-Ready Package does include cleaning interior of appliances, cabinets and pantry.
- We cannot move furniture or items over 15lbs., but we will try to reach any visible places either by hand or with a duster. Cleaners are not allowed to step higher than a 2 step stool.
- Some homes have at least one chandelier or vaulted ceiling fan that we cannot reach by hand. We do not offer chandelier cleaning at extreme heights.
- We cannot guarantee the results of mini-blind cleaning. Excessive build up may require an additional charge.
- Please allow for some dust resettlement after we leave; we try to limit the dust in the air but cannot prevent this entirely.
- We do not provide laundry services.
- Cleaning Services does not include garage area cleaning.
The Make-Ready Service is the perfect helping hand for Realtor's or Homeowners who are in the process of selling/leasing a home, or simply moving out.
For all Make Ready Services, please call our office for the most accurate price. All prices are based on location square footage and service recurrence.